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Wie benutzt man eine Mala-Kette?

How to Meditate with Mala Beads

A mala supports you on your personal journey. It reminds you to take some time out for yourself and simply feel peaceful. By carrying it with you, it helps you pause, arrive in the present, and engage in the moment.

And when you combine it with positive intentions, you make it your tool for a mindful everyday life.

However, if you want to fully connect with your mala or need a little more power during intense phases of life, we recommend that you meditate with your mala on a regular basis. This meditation is called "Japa Meditation" and we explain it to you step by step in this article.

Benefits Vorteile der Mala Kette Achtsamkeit und Ruhe

The Japa Meditation

If you want to fully activate the energy of your necklace, you can "charge" it using the Japa Meditation. This is a form of meditation that has been used for thousands of years. It was traditionally only passed down from masters to their students and is still a popular form of meditating with malas today.

Step 1: Determine a Mantra

Mantras are specific sound forms that were identified thousands of years ago as being particularly beneficial to humans. They are words or phrases with a very specific sound. The meaning doesn't matter at all, but much more what happens while you say the words. This is because vibrations are created that stimulate different regions in your body. So make sure that you pronounce your mantra correctly - otherwise it cannot have its desired effect. A universal mantra that is good for everyone is, for example, "Om" or "Om namah shivāya".

If you prefer to use English words that support you to manifest your intentions, you can use affirmations. These are phrases that describe a desired state. For example, "I feel Love" or "I am calm like the sea".

And if you prefer a minimalist approach to your meditation, you can of course just focus on your breath. Use one bead for inhalation and the next for exhalation.

Step 2: The Meditation

Sit with your legs crossed on the floor (cross-legged, lotus, ...) or on a meditation cushion.

Take your mala necklace in your right hand. Grasp the first bead to the right of the guru bead with your thumb and middle finger. The index finger does not touch the beads at any time. This is because the index finger is traditionally associated with the ego - and that has no place in meditation.

Now close your eyes and begin to speak your mantra/power phrase, focusing completely on the sound and feeling of it. While doing this, gently rotate the bead back and forth between both fingers.

Then move clockwise one bead at a time and repeat until you reach the guru bead again.

Take a few moments to listen to yourself and feel the energy. Then slowly open your eyes.

Step 3: Be patient with yourself

To fully charge your necklace, we recommend that you do a full japa meditation every day for 14 days. After that, you can meditate with the necklace at irregular intervals - whenever you feel that it would do you good or you feel that your mala could use a little extra energy.

And remember: When you meditate with your mala necklace, be patient with yourself. It is perfectly normal for your mind to wander in the beginning. Keeping your thoughts gently focused on the mantra is part of the practice and the key to more mindfulness and harmony. After a short time you will find it much easier to calm your thoughts and simply let go.

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