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Dein Renewal-Ritual: Feiere Beltane mit uns!

Your renewal ritual: Celebrate Beltane with us!

The transition between spring and summer is a very special time for us. We feel how much movement, growth, and energy are unleashed in nature - also within ourselves!

Our fingertips tingle as we think about how long the days are in summer and how much time and energy is finally available to flourish together with our environment, collect ideas and inspirations, and celebrate in summer what we have been preparing for since the beginning of the year: Our full power. It feels good to look back on what has been, gather all our strength, and finally put into action the spring plans that have been in our minds for so long, sealing it with a ritual. Hello new beginning!

When and how is the best way to celebrate this?

The Celtic Spring Festival Beltane

The Celtic spring festival Beltane is particularly suitable for a Renewal Ritual. Like nature, we live in cycles, and sometimes it makes sense to reflect before a new cycle phase like summer on what has happened, to prepare for the new time ahead.

Beltane marks such a phase: the transition from spring to summer with the beginning of May. Traditionally, Beltane is also referred to as a fire festival and celebrated with Celtic traditions involving fires, dances, and ritual acts to honor fertility and life.

Even today, we still celebrate growth and fertility: Nature awakens to new life, and the world around us is filled with fresh energy - the perfect time to celebrate your personal growth and focus your energy on new visions. You probably know rituals like celebrating May Day, setting up the Maypole, and generally making plans to spend the day outdoors in nature.

Feel the Energy-Shift: Your Renewal Ritual

Beltane is usually celebrated in community, so today we want to show you our favorite Renewal Ritual, which you can creatively design according to your preferences with your loved ones in a circle. The ritual takes place outdoors, fitting for spring.

Plan a beautiful day outdoors or take a weekend off together and choose a place where you all feel comfortable and can truly enjoy each other's company.

It's about letting go of an old cycle phase and empowering each other for new ideas and goals. At the end of the day, you have given yourselves a promise to put your strength into your personal visions and to use the energy of summer entirely to your advantage - ready?

Step 01: Enjoy the preparations!

Celebrate the preparation here: Think about how you can make the most beautiful time for yourselves: Maybe you want to have a big picnic, rent accommodation in the middle of nature, go to a lake, and create a shared playlist for the day? It's important that you feel safe and comfortable with each other and have no appointments in mind. If you want to prepare your friends for the trip and your ritual a few days in advance to increase anticipation, you can ask them to bring creative materials for crafting.

Ritual Packing List for a Day in the Green

You can add the following items to your packing list to make a day or weekend as enjoyable as possible:

  • Picnic blankets
  • enough fresh snacks for a large picnic
  • homemade lemonade to toast your ritual and the new goals and ideas
  • paper and colorful pens for journaling, drawing, and creative expression
  • music box for the perfect summer playlist
  • candles for a festive atmosphere
  • flowers, branches, and herbs symbolizing growth and making your space more festive.

Step 02: Arriving and Greeting

Allow enough time to arrive and explore the surroundings. Set up your picnic, provide shade, test how it feels, perhaps for the first time this year, to be barefoot in nature. Observe the plants growing around you. Are you near a river or lake? Maybe there's a safe place there to make a small fire later. Take the time to give each other a little life update and build a small, festive altar out of branches, flowers, and herbs.

Step 03: Your Renewal Ritual

Sit in a circle, close your eyes, and begin to breathe in unison. You can also follow a guided meditation. Inhale and exhale, feel the fresh air and the energy of the upcoming summer.

Open your eyes and focus on your journal. Now it's about delving into personal thoughts and feelings and reflecting. The following questions can help you:

  • What has happened in the past three months? What have these events shown me?
  • How have I grown from them?
  • What do I want to let go of?

Write down your thoughts, then fold the paper and set it aside. Whether you want to share your thoughts with each other is up to you.

Now you can get creative! Who do you want to be in this next cycle phase, the upcoming summer? What visions do you have in mind? What does your life look like? Craft, paint, write, draw, your creativity knows no bounds. Take enough time to delve deep into your ideas and visions.

It's also up to you whether you want to share your thoughts, but we recommend it. Talking about visions and goals together makes the mere idea much more real, helps with manifestation, and gives you the promise to make the vision come true.

If it's allowed in your surroundings, now light a small fire or candles and express a common thanksgiving to celebrate the new beginning.

Step 04: Celebrate Yourselves!

This is your day! Toast to your visions and ideas, to your mutual trust, and to taking the time for each other. Let the day end with music, dance if you want, or do a yoga flow together. Enjoy the time as it suits you. When you make your way home, leave the place as you found it.

We wish you an unforgettable, sunny day! Remind each other in the coming weeks of the feeling you had when you talked about your visions and give each other updates on where you stand. Enjoy the energy you have released and the long summer days!


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