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Routinen als Versprechen an dich selbst - im Gespräch mit Nerina Charlotte

Routines as a promise to yourself - in conversation with Nerina Charlotte

Content Creator Nerina lives her everyday life between Mallorca and Bali and is incredibly talented at designing it aesthetically and mindfully. She consciously enjoys the little moments and has learned to rely on herself. She specifically integrates routines into her daily routine as a commitment to herself in order to give herself a certain structure in the constantly changing everyday life. She talks to us about how these routines help her in phases of self-doubt, creative blocks and moving chaos and what importance targeted rituals have for her - to give herself the space for mindfulness.  

Spirit of Eden: You live in places where others go on vacation. We have observed that people's daily routines differ greatly between everyday life and vacation - what do routines look like for you?

For many people, routine sounds like the opposite of freedom, like pressure and something you can only live from home. But I have learned that small routines make big changes and give me freedom. If we talk about the routines that we impose on ourselves, then in my eyes it is an honest commitment to ourselves. Personally, I need my routines and I feel that I only find peace when I'm traveling, especially when I've found my routine have. Nevertheless, it is always a challenge to find and maintain them.

Spirit of Eden: Your days rarely look the same. What helps you to always design certain processes in the same way and to form routines in the first place and maintain them over a longer period of time?

Personally, I've always had a hard time following routines because I get bored quickly, feel restricted and would like to do a thousand things at the same time all the time. For me, routines started with my yoga training and over the years it has happened that I always have a type of routine and take it with me everywhere.
The first routine that has become established for me is my morning routine. I wake up, visualize or meditate. Then I oil pull while I write in my journal, brush my teeth, wash my face, and get ready for the day wherever I am.
However, what I think is and will remain a game changer for me, no matter where I am, is a workout routine! Even if the times vary, I have an absolute commitment to myself to get active 5-6 times a week by going to the gym, doing yoga or Pilates.
Like everyone else, I fall out of my routine here and there, but the more often it happens, the easier it becomes to get back into the routine because I know that I feel better overall when I do things every day and every week that remain the same in the constant stream of change.

Spirit of Eden: Small rituals help us to bring us back into the moment and show ourselves self-appreciation. This can be an extensive cooking session for our favorite food or a meditation for which we take time and space. What are rituals for you?

For me, rituals in my everyday life are moments of mindfulness and also a kind of routine. Especially in my life where everything is in motion, rituals are moments that always bring me back to myself and to the present. For me there is a routine of rituals. One of my favorite rituals is making a matcha, sitting in silence, or reading/journaling. Watching the sunset and walking barefoot on the beach. My favorite yoga flow or a long shower/bath & selfcare. The older I get, the quicker I become at recognizing when which ritual would help me.

I've often seen that you take your malas with you when you travel and they often live on your bedside table. What does that do to you?

I actually always have all my malas with me! I also charge them anywhere in the world and enjoy the thought that I can take part of the energy of a special place with me for a moment. Even if I don't wear my malas every day, depending on how I'm feeling, at least one will be next to my pillow, in my pocket or in some way around me so that I can see and feel it.

Nerina has been part of our Spirit of Eden family for many years and inspires us with her mindful but always creative content in a constantly changing everyday life. Her content motivates us to listen to our gut feeling more often, even if that means packing our bags and rethinking routines every now and then. Thank you so much for the conversation, Nerina ! 🤍

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